Newspaper companies must find ways to make their operation run more efficiently. Muller Martini’s proprietary newspaper planning software, Setup & Monitoring, or SAM, has been a mailroom staple since the late 1990s. SAM helps manage your paper’s entire production hub, utilizing circulation, advertising, and distribution data ensuring precise advertising fulfillment and reliable distribution. Today, organizations who previously relied on their own home-grown systems are turning to user-friendly SAM to help offset staff retirements and downsizing.
In a nutshell, SAM generates a mailroom production plan that integrates real-time information with your downstream systems. What’s more, it supports your ability to accurately manage the distribution of products outsourced from fellow newspapers by importing production plans produced by other systems.
And, if you’re transitioning from in-house home delivery to the US Postal Service, you’ll be able to import address label files directly into the SAM software. Users can specify the format of the incoming address files which SAM then converts into the format it needs in order to import the file. SAM’s ability to create these import templates allows users to easily import address label data from a variety of sources, in varying formats.
Muller Martini’s SAM planning and control system seamlessly coordinates information and product flow from all areas of your operation, from the more traditional newspaper applications to today’s highly complex distribution schemes. If your organization is looking to achieve greater efficiencies in the mailroom, please contact me at for more information about SAM.
Yours Judy Pollock,
Senior Business Applications Analyst at Muller Martini Corp.